Yellow Sapphire
Frequently asked questions about Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
What Is Yellow Sapphire?
Yellow Sapphire (also called Pukhraj in Hindi) is the yellow variety of mineral corundum. Pukhraj is the most popular Astrological gemstone for its benefits to...
Citrine VS Yellow Topaz VS Yellow Sapphire
Most of People get confused between similar looking stones like Citrine, Yellow Topaz and Yellow Sapphire. In fact all three stones are completely different, with just one similarity...
Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Price Guide
Yellow sapphire stone also known as ‘Pukhraj’ in Hindi belongs to the Corundum family. As per astrology, it is the stone of Jupiter planet. It has many interesting benefits, which...
Yellow Sapphire: Benefits & How to Wear
Yellow Sapphire is one of the most powerful and influential gemstones amongst all and is known to be associated with the divine blessings and power of the planet Jupiter or Guru....
Yellow Sapphire can instantly boost your career
Horoscope depends on the planets and they play the main role in the life of the people. You may often find people suffering from bad situations. It may be ill health, bad luck,...
जानिए आपकी राशि पर क्यार प्रभाव डालता है गुरु का रत्न पुखराज | Yellow Sapphire & Zodiacs
सदियों से पुखराज रत्न का प्रयोग होता आ रहा है और सभी को यह रत्न बहुत...
करियर और विवाह के लिए पुखराज | Yellow sapphire Stone for Career & Marriage
करियर और विवाह एक व्यक्ति के जीवन में सबसे दो महत्वपूर्ण चीजों हैं...
पुखराज पहनने के स्वास्थ्य लाभ | Health Benefits of Wearing Yellow Sapphire
रत्नों ने हमेशा मानव जाति को मोहित किया है क्योंकि वे ज्योतिष विज्ञान...
पुखराज रत्न पहनने के फायदे | Benefits of Wearing Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
पुखराज एक शक्तिशाली रत्न है अगर इसे ठीक से पहना जाये तो इससे बहुत...
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