What is the difference between astrological gemstones and ornamental gemstones?

Gemstones are small faceted pieces of certain minerals, rocks, or organic matters that are desired and sought after due to their unique beauty, rarity and mystical properties. They take a million of years to form and are found all across the Earth’s surface or in the depths of it (oceans included). Different parts of the globe are home to different varieties of gemstones.
Gemstones take us into a sparking world of colors; but they are more than just pretty trinkets. Gemstones have been induced with exceptional positive energies and magical properties over the years they have taken to form. They have powers and vibrations that can interact with the aura of humans and transform their lives in all the right ways.
From crowns to decoration pieces to religious symbols to amulets to good luck charms, gemstones have had wondrous roles in cumulative human history. From royalty to nobility to the common man, gemstones have been sought after by everyone. From the Bible to the Vedas, gemstones have found a mention everywhere. Gemstones have a fascinating history which is a combination of facts and legends.
Even in today’s new age, gemstones are highly treasured and have great value in the market. They are classified into two major categories i.e. Ornamental gemstones and Astrological gemstones based on their purpose. All gemstones can be used for ornamental as well as astrological purposes. For example: Blue Sapphire is one of the desired colored stones for jewelry and it is also the most powerful stone in astrology. There is a stark difference between an ornamental Blue Sapphire gemstone and an astrological Blue Sapphire gemstone. This difference is applicable for all Sapphire gemstones as well as all other gemstones.
Ornamental gemstones can be used in jewelry, in decorative pieces or simply as a collector’s item. For some people, gemstones have become a status symbol just like high-end watches, fine leather bags and bespoke designer wear. The most important factor that people consider while choosing gemstones for any ornamental purpose is their outer appearance. All gemstones hold very specific beauty in their own rights, beauty that is exclusive to itself. Aquamarine is valued for its ocean-like color, Moonstone is desired for its extraordinary milky glow, Opal is popular due to its attractive play of color effect while the attraction in Agate lies largely in its pattern. A fraction of people also take into account factors like popularity, rarity and ancient lineage.
Astrological gemstones help people to remove obstacles in their life, tide over problems and emerge triumphant with a feeling of contentment. They bless the wearer’s life with prosperity, fortune, success, growth, happiness, wellness, fulfillment, sound mind and good health. Each gemstone has a unique meaning and significance. Astrological gemstones are chosen by people based on their birth chart (kundli) or zodiac signs (rashi).
Just because someone is recommended to wear Blue Sapphire astrologically, it doesn’t mean that all Blue Sapphire stones in the market will serve the purpose. This is due to the fact that many factors need to be considered in case of astrological gemstones which are not significant for ornamental gemstones.
Astrological gemstones need to be completely pure and natural. Low quality stones are often treated to enhance their appearance, hide their flaws and get better value in the market. Treated stones lose their natural properties and acquire the properties of an artificial stone. Treated stones can be used for ornamental purposes but have no significance in astrology. Astrological gemstones must be untreated, unheated and not glass-filled.
Factors like quality and size of the stone hold no importance in case of ornamental gemstones but are of the utmost importance in case of astrological gemstones. An astrological stone must be of optimum weight and the size should be comfortable and practical to wear. The stone must have an ideal color intensity, pure hue, attractive tone, no secondary undertone and medium saturation. The stone must have good clarity and minimum inclusions. There is a myth that astrological stones must be completely clean and clear but since all natural stones have inclusions, it is not feasible.
An astrological stone must be of good origin. The origin does not directly impact the stone astrologically but it plays a major role in the quality of the gemstone. For example: Blue Sapphire from Bangkok (Thailand) can only be used for ornamental purposes. It cannot be used for astrological purposes as most of the stones mined here are treated and not of optimum quality. Blue Sapphire from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is recommended for astrological purposes as stones mined in this region have an ideal blue hue, velvety texture and good clarity.
An astrological stone must also be unused i.e it should not have been worn by anyone previously. A used gemstone (even for a short period) carries the energy of its previous owner. The negative energy of the preceding bearers of the stone, makes it difficult to attain the desired results from the stone. However, when it comes to ornamental gemstones, it is very natural for the ownership to change. This is a major reason why one should buy astrological gemstones only from a renowned gemologist while ornamental gemstones can be bought from a jeweler, collector or gemologist.
Astrological gemstones need to be worn with proper procedure to reap the best benefits. There is a preferred metal, day, time, finger and mantra associated with each astrological stone. This is due to the fact that a particular planet is associated with each stone. Additionally, astrological gemstones need to be properly energized and activated. These factors have zero meaning in respect to ornamental stones.
To conclude, even though the difference between Astrological and Ornamental gemstones is not apparent at first, it is very vast. The major factor for choosing ornamental gemstones is their appearance and other factors may or may not matter. The major factor for choosing astrological stones is their significance and other factors such as purity, color, clarity, cut, carat weight, origin, etc play a huge role as well. All astrological gemstones can be used for ornamental or aesthetic purposes since every gemstone is beautiful in its own unique way but the vice-versa is not applicable.
Shubh Gems has been dealing in astrological gemstones for the last 25 years. Shubh Gems only deals in 100% natural and completely untreated gemstones. Shubh Gems is run by gemstone experts who test all gemstones carefully before selling to customers. Shubh Gems only deals in lab-certified natural gemstones. Shubh Gems provides lab reports from reputed laboratories which clearly mention the authenticity of the gemstone. Shubh Gems helps our customers to select the right stone within their budget. Also, Shubh Gems sells stones that are fully activated, energized and ready to be worn for astrological purposes.
Shubh Gems has a team of Gemstone / Healing Experts who guide you to choose the most suitable Gemstone based on your Birth-chart in Vedic Astrology. Have Query ?